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What Is Dermastamp (skin-needling)?

Dermastamp is an exciting technology that is scientifically proven to induce collagen formation, it uses functional, vertical penetration to create infusion channels into the skin. Hyaluronic acid or platelet rich plasma are then infused for deep hydration, collagen formation and healing  This promotes tissue stimulation and skin rejuvenation.


Since there is no heat or ablated energy (laser) the treatment can be used on any skin type or colour.


The Dermastamp is similar to a dermaroller, but it has 6 needles that oscillate and introduce thousands of painless needles per treatment. This procedure involves cleansing the skin and applying a topical anaesthetic for 30 minutes.


What is the downtime?

The 'downtime' or inflammation of the skin after the treatment fades significantly within hours after the procedure from a red to pinkish that can last 24 hours on average. In order to reduce the 'downtime' we recommend topical serums to help hydrate the skin and zinc/sunscreen to protect the skin from the elements. 


What can I expect?

The procedure will start to naturally regenerate the skin by building new skin cells and enhancing the blood supply to the face. It can take up to 6 weeks before visible signs of regeneration are seen, but many clients claim that their skin feels 'more alive' as soon as a week after. You should avoid any skin care with 'active' ingredients such as AHA’s, retinols (vitamin A) or anything acidic for a minimum of two days.


How many treatments are required?

The amount of treatment needed depends on your initial skin condition. Most people require three to six treatments, done at three to six week intervals.


You will see results instantly. However collagen and elastin will grow from the six week mark, your skin will continue to improve over next six to twelve months.




Face and neck

Face, neck and decollatage




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